I simply adore shooting maternity photos for mom’s to be, the woman immediately below this paragraph, I have been honored to shoot all 5 of her pregnancies, the first was when I first began taking photos of people, and the technique shows how much I have learned over the last 12 years or so.
Tyler and Yessi from her second pregnancy and first maternity shoot.
This is Amanda, I shot these two images at her home in June of 2020, this was her 5th pregnancy (and she was carrying twins this time!)

This was Amanda’s first pregnancy and my first time shooting maternity.
These are from Amanda’s 2nd maternity shoot
These are from her 3rd pregnancy.
I had arranged to shoot with a model in Seattle and she introduced me to my friend Amanda who is very involved in the art/photography/creators in the PNW and invited me to shoot with the model at her apt in downtown Seattle.
Imagine my surprise when Amanda contacted me to tell me that out of all of the photographers she knows in the Seattle area that I had been chosen to shoot her maternity photos.
My friend Amanda ( #Knitwitknits) makes some of the most amazing hand crafted festival wear!